PCOA Launches JCF Satisfaction Survey

The Police Civilian Oversight Authority (PCOA) officially launched its Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF) Satisfaction Survey on September 6.

The survey is meant to garner the views of JCF members on aspects of leadership, working environment, resources, training, communication and work processes.

Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the PCOA, Otarah Byfield-Nugent, told JIS News that all JCF members should visit the website to complete the survey.

The survey can be found on the PCOA’s website at www.pcoa.gov.jm.

“I’m reinforcing that it’s very important to have an understanding of the concerns that you have about your processes, about your operations, because believe it or not, that will transition in how you relate to the public if the internal issues are not addressed,” she explained.

Mrs. Byfield-Nugent indicated that the JCF members will stand to benefit by participating in the survey, as it will assist the PCOA in putting forward recommendations to the Police High Command.

“The satisfaction survey will provide very important data to us, not just to us at the PCOA but also to the JCF, with which we plan to share it, so that we have that understanding of what your concerns are, so that will now drive the programmes that are designed to address those concerns,” the CEO noted.

“We can only know if you participate, so I’m really appealing to the JCF members across the country to participate. It’s anonymous. You don’t have to give your name. We just want to understand how you feel about different aspects of the service,” she added.

The PCOA is an agency of the Ministry of National Security, mandated to monitor, inspect and audit the implementation of policies, standards and procedures of the JCF.

The original article can be found here.

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