Poster Competition

Annual Poster Competition 2024

The Transforming Our Police Service (TOPS) Poster Competition is created by the Police Civilian Oversight Authority (PCOA) with the aim of allowing our children the opportunity to express how they feel about the police and what they represent, through art. The theme for the competition is, “Imaging #aForce4Good: A People Driven Transformation”.


The poster should reflect how each entrant understands the theme, and this can be guided by the phrase #aForce4Good and an understanding of what it means to be good.


Any student of a registered secondary school within the parishes of St. Mary and Portland (Region 2) and St. Ann (Region 3) and from Grades 7-13, is eligible to enter.


  • Posters must be11” x 17”.
  • Students can use acrylics, crayons, pencil, coloured pencil, charcoal, pastels, magic markers, water colours, ink.
  • All artwork must be original and reflect the theme. Students will be penalized for plagiarism (passing off the work/idea of another person as their own).
  • A completed entry form must accompany all entries.
  • Entries will become the property of the PCOA and entrants will be required to relinquish all copyrights to the PCOA.
  • Posters exceeding or going below the requested dimension will be disqualified.
  • ONE poster per entrant – THREE per school.
  • The PCOA reserves the right to disqualify any poster that does not meet the requirements specified.


A panel of judges will assess all entries and prizes will be awarded to the first, second and third place winners in the two categories. Entries will be judged based on the following criteria:

  • Adherence to theme
  • Originality
  • Creativity and visual effectiveness
  • Neatness


  • Cash awards and other prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place student/ teacher.
  • A project grant will be awarded to the Art Department of the school of the 1st prize winner.
  • Top posters will be used in a calendar and colouring book.
  • Photos and accompanying news releases will be posted on PCOA Website and Social Media Platforms.


The official entry form, which is included below, must be submitted via the PCOA Website – and the agreement to the Terms and Conditions must also be completed.

Entries must be received NO LATER than FRIDAY, OCTOBER 11, 2024 by 3:00 p.m. Posters can be uploaded to the PCOA Website.

An official entry form must be attached to each contest entry.

Any submission without the required information will not be accepted.

Step 1 of 7 - Student Information

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